Robert Steele & Ed Jewett: Trump Will Not Concede, Special Forces Have Captured All Servers in Germany with Fraud Evidence, We Are a GO for Righteous Triumph!

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

I can confirm from multiple sources with proven access to President Donald Trump that President Trump will not concede and that he has all the evidence he needs to fry the Deep State financial, political, and media miscreants.

Just as I was writing the above, Ed Jewett came in with the below.  It is a game changer.  Somewhere in here Angla Merkle must have “made the deal” with our President.

#Breaking #BreakingNews
People on the ground in #Germany report that #Scytl, hosting YOUR elections data Improperly through #Spain, was raided by a large #USARMY force & their Servers were Seized in Frankfurt. Scytl Bankrupt

Sent in by a reader:

Maybe what is laid out in this thread is related to Esper's firing. Apparently, US Special Forces raided Scytl in Frankfurt Germany confiscating all computers/servers etc. An outlet in Germany first reported the raid yesterday. Newsmax picked it up and led with it. Sabrina De Sousa, the CIA agent Brennan burned in Italy who Trump I believed pardoned or something to that effect (memory) wrote this –

Sabrina De Sousa @Sadiso – So, #Haspel's visit to .@senatemajldr office may have gone like this; “Mission accomplished Dominion vote machines sequestered…” .@newsmax #Election2020results

Here is Newsmax's report on raid in Germany last night (3 clips) –

And then there is this thread Sidney Powell retweeted. Note: Powell and Giuliani are the lead working w/Sekulow – Trump's lead attorney's in this mess. Powell, in my opinion, would never be loose w/the facts by retweeting something this alarming. Her word is enough for me –

And then there is Giuliani's interview w/Dobbs – more detail –

via @Wizard_Predicts

1) Giuliani says Dominion has ties with Smartmatic, which served as the main technology supplier for Venezuelan elections, including the “elections” of Hugo Chávez. 2) Giuliani says Dominion's lobbyist is Georgia Governor Brian Kemp’s former Chief of Staff.


JUSTICE LIKE A THUNDERBOLT: Bill Barr is about to drop the hammer on vote fraud

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