NIGHTWATCH: Afghanistan Army Imploding – South Viet-Nam Redux

Afghanistan: Late last week, The US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan published a quarterly report which included a section on manning in the Afghan National Army. The British newspaper Independent also published UK findings on manning as well, but with a slightly different focus. The US report indicates the Afghan National Army has gotten smaller …

Marcus Aurelius: French Thoughts on Afghanistan — the Perfect Storm in 2014

April 27, 2013 Departing French Envoy Has Frank Words on Afghanistan By ALISSA J. RUBIN KABUL, Afghanistan — It is always hard to gauge what diplomats really think unless one of their cables ends up on WikiLeaks, but every once in a while, the barriers fall and a bit of truth slips into public view. …

Gordon Duff: Documented Words of Zbigniew Brzezinski on US Funding of Muslim Extremism in Afghanistan to LURE the Soviets In…..[Fast Forward to Chechnya]

The CIA’s “Founding” of Al Qaeda Documented The Muslim Terrorist Apparatus was Created by US Intelligence as a Geopolitical Weapon Le Nouvel Observateur’s Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski Originally published 15-21 January 1998 Translated by Jean Martineau (Editor’s Note:  The following article and interview have been suppressed by Google, now a “black-ops” contractor.  The background on US …

NIGHTWATCH: China-India-Russia Confer on Afghanistan

China-India: Chinese media reported that India and China have agreed to start a dialogue on Afghanistan. An “in-principle” agreement on official-level dialogue has been reached and dates for the first meeting are being worked out. Earlier this week, Indian National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon travelled to Moscow for the first three-way dialogue between India, Russia …

NIGHTWATCH: Afghanistan – Panetta Postures, Taliban Waits

Afghanistan: US Defense Secretary Panetta had talks with Afghan President Hamid Karzai at the Pentagon on Thursday. Panetta told the media the two countries were “at the last chapter” in their effort to rebuild Afghanistan’s institutions and security. Panetta said, “We’ve come a long way towards a shared goal of establishing a nation that you …

Chuck Spinney: Predictable Meltdown in Afghanistan – Strategic Decrepitude and Lack of Integrity Go Hand in Hand

The below BBC report, Afghanistan’s ‘green on blue’ collapse of trust,  places the fatal flaw in the McChrystal plan used by Mr. Obama to justify the Afghan surge in 2010 — namely General McChrystal’s failure to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the plan to rapidly build up the Afghan Army/police — into sharp relief. This …