Mongoose: Attaboy Australia — Beheading IO Stopped — But What Should US Do?

Very well done, Australia! Australia raids foil reported ISIS beheading plots Australian counterterrorism forces detained 15 people Thursday in a series of suburban raids after receiving intelligence that the Islamic State movement was planning public beheadings in two Australian cities to demonstrate its reach. About 800 federal and state police officers raided more than a …

Berto Jongman: Another ISIS Beheading Likely Fraud — US Should WITHDRAW from the Middle East

-This 3rd video is following the same script and format as the previous two -Again it was first reported by SITE Intelligence -Again the actual beheading is not shown -The result of the beheading is shown in a still -This video is specifically directed at the allies of the US, the UK in particular -Again …

Owl: Zionist Loaded MH17 with Infected Cadavers — Did Putin Prevent Bio-War? US Complicit with Zionists? Berto Jongman References & Wayne Madsen Latest

NEW (Repeated in Reference Section): NEW: What We Don’t Know About Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 . . . NEW: Downed Airliner: Fake Audio Tape Shows US-Backed Hit to Frame Russia NEW: Wayne Madsen MH-17: Beware of the «Chameleon» Did Putin Prevent Israeli-Originated World War Z? Long comment and multiple additional references below the fold. All …

Owl: Political Cover-Up of Epidemic Potential of Illegal Aliens – Medical Staff at Immigration Camps Threatened with Arrest

Medical Brown Shirts in America “”A government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas,” reports Todd Starnes of Fox News. The truth about the infectious diseases being carried …

Chuck Spinney: Mission Accomplished in Afghanistan — Treason, Looting of the Commonwealth, Destruction of the Millitary, and Wanton Collateral Damage…

Below, Seumas Milne well summarizes the calamitous results of our misbegotten GWOT* crusades in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria.  The result is not pretty, but that is hardly surprising. While Milne’s call for accountability applies to the British contribution to the GWOT, it bespeaks volumes for the United States — a country that prides itself on its …

Congressional Research Service — Index Frozen 2 JUNE 2015

NOTICE: We are suspending our update of this index. All CRS reports will continue to be offered at the Federation of American Scientists, and updated as new version are received, but we will not longer maintain this separate index.   Updated FAS new 2 June 2015. All links lead to Federation of American Scientists (FAS) …