Mini-Me: WHO Now Says Ebola Has 42 Day Incubation Period — 1 in 8 to 1 in 20 go longer….

Huh? Shock WHO report: Ebola has 42-day incubation period, not 21 days! The WHO’s “Ebola situation assessment” report, found here, explains that only 95% of Ebola infections experience incubation within the widely-reported 21-day period. Here’s the actual language from the report: Read full article. Is 21 Days Long Enough For Ebola Quarantine? Charles N. Haas, …

Berto Jongman: Scientists Allege Ebola Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD

Ebola Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?: Scientists Allege Are bio weapons being tested on Africans. Reports have linked the Ebola virus outbreak to an attempt to reduce Africa’s population. Liberia happens to be the continents’ fastest growing population. FULL TEXT BELOW THE FOLD Tekmira / DoD Ebola Clinical Trial Summary Also Below in Full …

Berto Jongman: The Costs of War — Human Costs, Economic Costss, Social + Political Costs with Alternatives and Recommendations

Over 350,000 Killed by Violence, $4.4 Trillion Spent and Obligated The wars begun in 2001 have been tremendously painful for millions of people in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, and the United States, and economically costly as well. Each additional month and year of war adds to that toll. Moreover, the human costs of these conflicts will …

Berto Jongman: Sandy Hook’s Disappearing Witnesses

Sandy Hook’s Disappearing Witnesses Tony Mead Activist Post Close to nineteen months have passed since the event known as the Sandy Hook Massacre transpired. Amazingly, there has still been no conclusive evidence put forth by any of the families affected or the investigators involved to dispel the many ‘conspiracy theories’ that have evolved from the …

Berto Jongman: Star-Spangled Baggage — US Veterans Going Nuts…

Star-Spangled Baggage By Ann Jones, TomDispatch This piece first appeared at TomDispatch. Read Tom Engelhardt’s introduction here. After an argument about a leave denied, Specialist Ivan Lopez pulled out a .45-caliber Smith & Wesson handgun and began a shooting spree at Fort Hood, America’s biggest stateside base, that left three soldiers dead and 16 wounded.  …