GI Wilson: American Thinker on US Arms Smuggling into Syria as Root of Benghazi Attack + Libya / Syria / Video Meta-RECAP

Benghazi Reveals Obama-Islamist Alliance By James Lewis American Thinker, November 1, 2012 The nature of the Benghazi disaster is now clear.  Ambassador Stevens was engaged in smuggling sizable quantities of Libyan arms from the destroyed Gaddafi regime to the Syrian rebels, to help overthrow the Assad regime in Syria.  Smuggling arms to the so-called “Free …

Marcus Aurelius: General Failure — Neil Sheehan Reviews Thomas Rick’s New Book Plus Chapter Extract

An adapted excerpt from this book, cued to me by a friend, can be found as indicated below, followed by Neil Sheehan’s review of the book. General Failure Looking back on the troubled wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, many observers are content to lay blame on the Bush administration. But inept leadership by American generals …

Gordon Duff: An Alternative View of the Benghazi False Flag Murder of US Ambassador

Imaginary Planes, Imaginary CIA Armies, All Invented as Election Ploy – By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor (with Top US Intel Specialists) Veterans Today, 26 October 2012 A trained team of up to 120 [foreign] special forces personnel with radio jammers and heavy weapons killed the US ambassador.  There were only two America CIA employees in …

David Isenberg: The True Cost (Locally) of Military Strikes Against Iranian Nuclear Targets + Iran Nuclear Meta-RECAP

The Myth of “Surgical Strikes” on Iran By David Isenberg TIME Battleland | October 18, 2012 For all the years that the world has focused on the confrontation between Western nations and Iran, oceans of ink have been spilled over many aspects of its nuclear program — the quantity and quality of its enriched uranium, …

Mini-Me: Eustace Mullins Books & Videos — a Deep Look Into the Origins of Western Financial Crime & Terror with Politicians as the Best of the Servant Class

Huh? First read Wikipedia / Eustace Mullins EXTRACT: A central theme of Mullins’ book is that the Federal Reserve allows bankers to monetize debt, creating it out of nothing by book entry, and thus they have enormous leverage over everyone else. Near the end of the book, he said of the Federal Reserve: The Federal …

SmartPlanet: Corrupt Government Allows Corporate Socialism – Privatized Profits and Externalized Losses

How corporations are crippling U.S. prosperity By David Worthington | October 15, 2012 A dearth of competition in major U.S. industries and a government that’s policy making has been severely corrupted by moneyed interests has led to depressed wages and stifled innovation, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist says in a new book. In essence, you’re …