Rickard Falkvinge: Further Analysis of NSA PRISM, Limited Liability of Service Providers

So Just Exactly What Is NSA’s Prism, More Than Reprehensibly Evil? Privacy: The US NSA’s PRISM program appears to be a set of specialized deep-packet inspection filters combined with pre-existing wiretapping points at high-level Internet carriers in the United States. Since the program’s revelation the day before yesterday, speculations have ranged far and wide about who …

DefDog: Intelligence Smoke, the Real Fires are in DoD — and the Coming Crash

Useful distraction from the real fires in DoD. Obama defends secret NSA surveillance programs – as it happened Spy chief strongly defends surveillance, calls it legal Timeline of revelations about US domestic spying Top-secret Prism program claims direct access to servers of firms including Google, Apple and Facebook US intelligence boss calls for criminal investigation …

Rickard Falkvinge: NSA as Poster Child for Government & Corporate Corruption, Collusion, & Treason

Told You So: If You Have Been Using A Centralized Comms Service, You Were Wiretapped Privacy:  This night, news broke that the USA’s security agencies have been wiretapping essentially every major centralized social service for private data. Photos, video conferences, text chats, and voice calls – everything. We have been saying this for years and …

Owl: NSA Perfect Storm — Time to Clean House — Fire Alexander, Close DNI Down (Restore DCI), Cancel CIA Drone Program (“A Thousand Genocides”), Fund Open Source Agency….

MS, Yahoo FB, Apple and the rest all deny they know anything the NSA’s program – implemented with these tech giant’s cooperation – called “PRISM.” It’s evident from this article they are all lying: ” America, here’s hoping you’ve had enough time to be come to terms with the National Security Agency scooping up all …

Robin Good: Automated Topic-Specific Online Curation Tool

Kurator is a web service which allows you to easily customize one or more visual magazines that automatically aggregate the hashtags, lists, Twitter users, Facebook pages and RSS feeds you specify. Specifically, you can aggregate from the following sources: Twitter User Twitter List Twitter Keywords Twitter Hastags Twitter Mentions Twitter Top Followers Facebook Page Facebook …

Berto Jongman: Interview with a BlackHat + Related + USA Cyber-Idiocy RECAP

Interview With A Blackhat (Part 1) 61 Replies [This interview openly discusses criminal activities from the perspective of an admitted criminal. You may find this content distressing, even offensive, but what is described in this interview is real. We know from personal experience is that these activities are happening on websites everywhere, everyday, and perhaps …

Stephen E. Arnold: Analytics Company to Disrupt Digital and Mobile Metrics Emphasis

Analytics Company to Disrupt Digital and Mobile Metrics Emphasis From Business Insider comes news of a potentially disruptive startup: “Mixpanel, A Startup That Wants To Kill Pageviews And Other ‘BS Metrics’ Now Measures 12 Billion Actions Per Month.” Mixpanel Co-founder Suhail Doshi pushes for digital and mobile companies to highlight monthly user engagement numbers instead …