Richard Gage: Families, Lawyers, and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Sue FBI over It’s 2015 “Report”

Families, Lawyers, AE911Truth to File Lawsuit against FBI over ‘9/11 Review Commission Report’ on Mar. 25 Next week, for the first time ever, 9/11 family members and advocates are taking legal action against the FBI aimed at forcing the Bureau to assess and report the evidence of the World Trade Center’s explosive demolition known to …

Berto Jongman: Max Igan Analysis of New Zealand False Flag Event in Christchurch Mosque UPDATE 1: Second Video from Max

In this video Max Igan provides us with an alternative view of the Christchurch massacre. By analyzing the background of the shooter, the live-streamed video of the event by Facebook, the media response and the government response, he concludes that the massacre has all the hallmarks of a false flag event, a black op or …

Robert Steele: 5G – Wrong Turn by China & USA — The Alternative is Human Intelligence with Integrity

Both China and the USA are making a huge mistake in embracing 5G, which is genocidal and ecocidal.  Developed in Israel, and forbidden in Israel, it is the fastest way to dumb down and ultimately kill off billions of people. China Unicom’s big bet on open source It is a huge mistake by China to …

Stephen E. Arnold: Who Is Behind China’s Mass Surveillance Excellence? Israel

Who Is Assisting China in Its Technology Push? Digging in this field of inquiry, one can learn how the Israeli company “flows” US intelligence-related technology from the US and elsewhere through an intermediary so that certain surveillance systems in China can benefit directly from what looks like technology developed in Israel. Net net: If one …