Worth A Look: YouTubes on Alternative Understanding

This documentary World Government Election Fraud 2012 briefly covers many topics about government, politics, energy, sovereignty, sustainability and self sufficiency (not being dependent on the nanny state) to get everyone past the disinformation. Part I:  YouTube (14:59) Part II:  YouTube (15:00) From the same source: Anonymous: A message to the rich Economic Doomsday 2012 – …

Berto Jongman: Russian Sixth Generation Warfare and Role of Openness

Russian Sixth Generation Warfare And Recent Developments Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 9 Issue: 17 While press attention on developments in Russia focused on the disputed parliamentary elections and the following protests, which seemed to revive political activism in Moscow and other urban centers, there have been some military developments that deserve some attention. One such …

David Isenberg: Steve Coll Reviews Three Books on Secret American Security State

Our Secret American Security State The New York Review of Books, February 9, 2012 Steve Coll Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State by Dana Priest and William M. Arkin Little, Brown, 296 pp., $27.99 Intelligence and US Foreign Policy: Iraq, 9/11, and Misguided Reform by Paul R. Pillar Columbia University …

Josh Kilbourn: Chris Hedges on The Real Debate

Chris Hedges’ latest. Thank You for Standing Up Chris Hedges truthdig, 23 January 2012 EXTRACT: Turn off your televisions. Ignore the Newt-Mitt-Rick-Barack reality show. It is as relevant to your life as the gossip on “Jersey Shore.” The real debate, the debate raised by the Occupy movement about inequality, corporate malfeasance, the destruction of the …

Worth a Look: Independent Voter Network

Phi Beta Iota:  A most interesting melange with a strong focus and organized sections on policy reform, activism, the 2012 election, electoral reform, open primaries, the economy, energy and water, and the Independent Report.