Mini-Me: Kissinger to China on to Russia: Jeb Bush Will Be Next President, Out of Deadlocked Convention

Kissinger vows to China: “Jeb Bush Will Be Next President” Sorcha Faal, 18 January 2012 A shocking report prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Prime Minister Putin on the just completed meeting between China’s Vice Premier Li Keqiang and former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger states that the Chinese were told …

Mini-Me: Al Jazeera on Stephen Colbert for President

Colbert for President Danny Schechter Al Jazeera, 17 January 2012 Steven Colbert announced he will form “an exploratory committee for president of the United States of South Carolina”. New York, NY – The New York Times, in its wisdom, remains irony-challenged and doesn’t know what to think about satirist and Comedy Channel host Stephen Colbert’s …

PROPOSAL: 21st Century Governance – Beyond Participatory Budgeting

Event: 30-31 March 2012 NYC Participatory Budgeting 21st Century Network Governance – Beyond Participatory Budgeting Participatory budgeting is a very important step in the right direction, but in the larger context of both obstacles presented by corrupt governance and what is possible enabled by the Internet, it can be taken–quickly–to a higher level. Participatory budgeting …

Marcus Aurelius: Paul Pillar on Intelligence & Policy

Think Again: Intelligence I served in the CIA for 28 years and I can tell you: America’s screw-ups come from bad leaders, not lousy spies. Paul Pillar Foreign Policy, Jan/Feb 2012 “Presidents Make Decisions Based on Intelligence.” Not the big ones. From George W. Bush trumpeting WMD reports about Iraq to this year’s Republican presidential …

Tom Atlee: A presidential candidate signs the Co-Intelligence Institute’s Politician’s Pledge

Dear friends, Robert Steele, a long-time colleague of mine and presidential hopeful with the Reform Party (see PS below), has just become the second politician to sign the Co-Intelligence Institute’s Politician’s Pledge  This pledge commits the politician to take seriously any properly convened and facilitated citizens deliberative council – to post its results on …

Chuck Spinney: Newt Gingrich Exposed

POLITICS The `K Street Clausewitz’ Remembered By CHUCK SPINNEY | December 30, 2011 Mark Thompson’s 27 December posting, “General Newt,” alerted readers of Battleland to Karen Tumulty’s pastiche of mini portraits of Newt Gingrich’s martial prowess.  Mark highlighted one the few passages that zeroed in on the insubstantial essence of the K Street Clausewitz. Unable to contain my …