Chuck Spinney: Sick People at the Aspin Summit III — What Do the Men of Empire Have in Common with Captain Ahab?

Below is Professor Michael Brenner’s take on this question. AMERICA’s MOBY DICK Michael Brenner University of Pittsburg, 28 July 2013 Captain Ahab’s obsessive hunt for Moby Dick was driven by the thirst for revenge. The great white whale had maimed Ahab – in soul as well as body. Ahab was consumed by the passion to …

David Swanson: Deep Dissection of Trans-Pacific Partnership — The Most Evil Reprehensible Impeachable Act To Come Out of Washington in Recent Memory

TPP: The Terrible Plutocratic Plan By David Swanson Remarks July 21, 2013 at an Occupy Harrisonburg (Va.) Event. Make your voice heard here. Thanks to Michael Feikema and Doug Hendren for inviting me.  Like most of you I do not spend my life studying trade agreements, but the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is disturbing enough to …

Berto Jongman: New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile + Cabal / Conspiracy Meta-RECAP

New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile Dr. Kevin Barrett PressTV, 13 July 2013 Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events. In short, …

Berto Jongman: Did Israel Bypass Russians with Submarine Missile Attack on Syria Last Night?

Did an Israeli Dolphin submarine just bypass the Russian S-300 batteries in Syria ? Editor’s Note… Semi-official reports in the recent 36 hours describe a mysterious blast in a Syrian arms depot in the city of Latakia ,located well within the Allawite enclave in North Western Syria. FSA sources claimed responsibility for the blast, but …

Gordon Duff: Update on Advanced Weapons Into Syria

“Doomsday Weapons To Syria”: Putin Russian Advanced Weapons for Syria: Unrevealed Secrets of Vladimir Putin’s Recent Visit to London [Editors Note: We had reported earlier that when the Israelis used an American made mini-nuke bunker buster in the Damascus attack that they had crossed Russia ‘quiet red line’ of using a tactical nuke against an …

Allen Roland: Honoring Chalmers Johnson, Prophet of Truth + Empire Meta-RECAP

Prophet for a Dying Empire Every dying Empire has its truth telling prophet and America had its own with Chalmers Johnson. Johnson correctly compared the decay of the American empire, with its well over 600 overseas military bases, with the fall of the Roman Empire whereas the Senate becomes a wealthy corporate club and irrelevant …

Search: phd topics on the role of intelligence in peace support operation + Peacekeeping RECAP

Had to Stop.  WordPress Cannot Handle So Many Links, and Entire Phi Beta Iota Site is About Peace and Prosperity Through Intelligence with Integrity.  Links Below Line Estimated 25% of Relevant Links Across all 12,000+ Posts. Excellent search and badly needed PhD thesis that could “write the book” on the role of intelligence in support …