SchwartzReport: Fake Medicine More Lucrative than Cocaine — Failure of Governance on a Global Scale

Like the horsemeat scandal in Europe this report on fake pharmaceuticals shows what happens when appropriate regulation is not maintained, because industries capture the regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect us, and the Congress is in the pocket of those industries as well. Once again we face the bitter fruit produced by anti-regulations forces. …

SchwartzReport: Seven Sins of GMO Lobby — Toxicity & Infertility — True Cost of Commercialization and Corruption of Basic Science

Here is a very sound paper on the activities of the pro-GMO lobby, and their assault on the integrity of science. The pro-GM lobby’s seven sins against science Peter Melchett Soil Association, 17 December 2012 The role that genetically modified (GM) food should play in our food chain is a highly contested political issues. One …

Review (DVD): Dark Legacy — Compelling Public Indictment of George Bush Senior as CIA Lead for Assassination of John F. Kennedy

John Hankey 5.0 out of 5 stars Six Star Special — Poetic, Compelling — Sufficient to Indict George Bush Sr., January 18, 2013 I have reviewed a number of the non-fiction books about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and received this film as a gift from an Amazon reader who appreciated my book reviews. …

Schwartz Report: Why Africa is Turning to China

Why Africa is turning to China By Kwei Quartey Asia Times, 22 December 2012 Ghana held its general elections on December 7 and 8, 2012, re-electing incumbent President John Dramani Mahama. However, Nana Akufo-Addo, flag-bearer of the opposition New Patriotic Party, is challenging Mahama’s narrow win and intends to contest the result in court, a …

Owl: Tribunal in Malaysia Convicts George Bush and Five Others (in Absentia) as War Criminals

More on US war criminals as convicted by a tribunal in Malaysia. Crime Watch: American Presidents and their Advisors are War Criminals Especially this part: “Most Americans, their minds focused at the moment on the tragic slaughter of 20 young children aged 5-10, along with five teachers and a school principal in Connecticut by a …

Chuck Spinney: Reality Reporting from Syria — USG Has No Idea….

Below is an excellent sitrep on the Syrian civil war.  The author, Patrick Cockburn, is one of the very best observers of the Middle East. Chuck Spinney DECEMBER 17, 2012 What is Really Happening in Syria Descent Into Holy War by PATRICK COCKBURN, Counterpunch EXTRACT: Syria today resembles Iraq nine years ago in another disturbing …

George Abney: Emerging Desalination Technology

Respect is due to those who developed the viable method of desalination of seawater described in this report. A means of mitigating the damage done by fracking to potable ground water should include Canadian advances in desalination technology presented by Tang/Zoshi of The cumulative effects of fracking includes networked systems in the environment including …