Laurence Kotlikoff: Please Support the INFORM Act, Inter-Generational Fiscal Gap and Accounting Integrity

Dear Friends, I write to ask you to join 11 Nobel Laureates in Economics, other leading economists, and former government officials in endorsing the INFORM ACT (Intergenerational Financial Obligations Reform Act) at All endorsements will be included in a letter to Congress, which is posted on the website, that will appear early this fall …

Stephen E. Arnold: IBM Makes Hadoop Quick and Easy with BigInsight

IBM Makes Hadoop Quick and Easy with BigInsight The article titled InfoSphere BigInsights on IBM promotes the use of Apache Hadoop, an open source software framework, with IBM’s BigInsight. Not only is the product free to download, but IBM offers BigInsight to simplify Hadoop for users. To begin, visit the Quick Start Edition page, with …

2013 Robert Steele: It’s Time for Crisis Mappers to Spin Up Corruption Mappers 2.0 + Corruption RECAP

I share with Lawrence Lessig the conviction that corruption is the principal threat to humanity.  I would add to that my own view that corruption is responsible for 50% of all investments being wasted, be they in agriculture, energy, health, or the military, as representative domains.  I also believe that corruption will persist until individuals …

Sepp Hasslberger: Electronically Mediated Seawater Desalination — Low Energy Low Cost Portable Potentially Massive Scale

It needs further development, but when scaled up it could provide desalinated sea water at a fraction of the cost of today’s membrane based reverse osmosis systems… New Invention Makes Ocean Water Drinkable Susanne Posel Occupy Corporatism, July 2, 2013 Chemists with the University of Texas and the University of Marburg have devised a method …

Congressional Research Service — Index Frozen 2 JUNE 2015

NOTICE: We are suspending our update of this index. All CRS reports will continue to be offered at the Federation of American Scientists, and updated as new version are received, but we will not longer maintain this separate index.   Updated FAS new 2 June 2015. All links lead to Federation of American Scientists (FAS) …

John Maquire: One Year Away from Global Food Riots + US Food Fraud RECAP

We Are Now One Year Away From Global Riots, Complex Systems Theorists Say What’s the number one reason we riot? The plausible, justifiable motivations of trampled-upon humanfolk to fight back are many—poverty, oppression, disenfranchisement, etc—but the big one is more primal than any of the above. It’s hunger, plain and simple. If there’s a single …