Christof Lehmann (nsnbc),- On Saturday 8. June 2013 the Syrian Arab Army has won decisive battles over western-backed insurgents in Qasair and throughout the country. In Qasair, the last pockets of resistance in al-Budweia al Sharquia were fought down and the armed forces are restoring security and are bringing relieve to the cities occupants.
Syrian armed forces won decisive battles against the insurgents throughout the country and security is being reestablished in the country with the exception of small, residual pockets. The risk of terrorist attacks, sniper attacks, car bombs and the terrorism in general remains high, while major combat operations are most likely completed.
In a statement on Friday, Russia´s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov explained, that the number of remaining insurgents in Qasair was in the hundreds, rather than in the thousands, and that most of them are from European and regional countries, saying:
“Hundreds rather than thousands of gunmen are fighting the Syrian army and that those are of European nationalities and from the regions countries, which is why there is increased importance to end the crisis and create favorable conditions to hold the international conference on Syria”.
The total number of remaining foreign fighters is estimated be different sources, between 5.000 and 10.000. On Saturday, the Syrian armed forces initiated decisive operations and restored security in most of Syria. A Syrian military source stated about Qasair, that the army is:
“going ahead with removing the debris of destruction and the barricades set up by the terrorists, while engineering units are dismantling explosives which were planted or left behind by the insurgents”.
Units of the Syrian armed forces also inflicted heavy losses to insurgents in other areas and report of large numbers of killed insurgents.

A recent US Report. Most rebels killed in Syria members of al-Qaeda. According to a statement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, most of the insurgents in Syria come from European and Regional Countries.
Counter insurgency operations were carried out against insurgents positions and hideouts in Aleppo where the armed forces inflicted heavy losses on terrorist groups in the surrounding of Minnegh Airport, near Aleppo Central Prison and other areas in the city as well as in the surrounding countryside.
Clashes took also place in the al-Ziyareh village near the Minnegh Airport and near the school at the village of Mayer. Seven other terrorists were killed in al-Sheikh Maqsoud area in the city of Aleppo.
In April Syrian government and military forces reported that Turkish ground troops and Pilots were fighting alongside the insurgents in an attempt to capture Minnegh Airport and the chemical tipped rocket that killed civilians in Aleppo was fired from an area held by Turkish troops and insurgents. So far, there are no reports whether Turkish regular troops, special forces or military advisers are among the killed or captured.
A military spokesperson informed a journalist from the Syrian Arab news Agency SANA in Aleppo, that a 23 mm caliber anti-aircraft gun and a number of heavy machine guns were destroyed near the Battary Factory on al-Sfeireh – Aleppo road, along with large amounts of weapons and ammunition.
The military spokesperson also informed the SANA journalist, that an army unit repelled an armed terrorist group that tried to enter al-Azizieyeh village from the al-Dweir area in the southern countryside of Aleppo. 23 terrorists were killed and others were injured in the operation. The military spokesman also reported, that another unit of the armed forces has eliminated members of an armed terrorist group in the surrounding of the village of Deir al-Asafir.
10 terrorists, who were committing acts of looting while blocking the roads near the Daido gas station on the Aleppo – Idlib highway were killed by a unit of the armed forces. The heavy machine gun of the insurgents was destroyed.
Most members of another group of insurgents were killed or injured when clashing with Syrian armed forces in the surroundings of the Khan al-Assal area in the countryside.
A number of insurgents were killed on the road linking Deir Hafer and a Thermal Station in the countryside, and a number of insurgents were killed on the Hayan – Andad road while several hideouts of mostly non-Syrian nationalities were destroyed along with weapons in the village of Maaret Artiq.
Other army units reportedly clashed with insurgents in the areas of al-Lairamoun and Amirieh, killing a number of the insurgents group.
An official source informed the Syrian Arab news Agency, that units of the armed forces engaged armed insurgents in Jobar in the Damascus countryside, killing and injuring scores of them. The official spokesperson reported, that the Syrian army engaged and eliminated an armed terrorist group called the “Believe Battalion” in the Barzeh forests, including a Saudi terrorist.
Clashes took also place in the town of Hatitat al-Turkman where the armed forces engaged and eliminated an armed terrorist group. Among the killed terrorists were Ismael al-Ghorani and Marwan Batyeh.
The official source added, that a mortar and a heavy machine gun were destroyed after the army clashed with a terrorist group that was committing acts murder and looting in the town of Husseinyeh, killing scores of the groups members. Among the killed were Abdullah al-Rifa´e and Bilal Ghayth.
Another army unit destroyed a terrorists’ hideout in the town of Babila, killing the terrorists hiding in it and destroying their weapons and ammunition.The terrorists Mohammad Hamam and Salem Ja’ara were identified among the dead.
The army also destroyed a Mortar in Harasta and found a field hospital with stolen medicine and equipment near al-Thanwyeh Roundabout in the city. Meanwhile, the army clashed with a terrorist group in Al’ab farms in Douma and eliminated scores of its members, among them were Mohammad al-Tarzi.
Weapons and ammunition that were hidden in a vehicle in al-Rayhan farms were destroyed and the terrorists in the car were killed. In Khan al-Sheih area, an army unit pursued terrorist groups and inflicted heavy losses upon them.
Another army unit killed and injured scores of terrorists in Daraya city, among the killed terrorists were Eyad Faddo and Yahya Bilal.
Army units clashed with armed terrorist groups that were committing acts of looting and murder in the town of al-Mure’yeh, al-Sina’a neighborhood and Fuad Street and killed scores of them.
An official source told a SANA reporter that an army unit eliminated the majority of an armed group’s members in Fuad Street, adding that terrorists Jad’an Hussein al-Ahmad and Jasem al-Jamala were identified among the dead. A number of terrorists were killed and their weapons destroyed in al-Sina’a neighborhood.
In Deir Ezzor countryside, an army unit inflicted heavy losses upon terrorist group that was committing murder and looting acts against the locals.
The army eliminated scores of Jabhet al-Nusra terrorists in al-Salamyeh countryside in Hama Province and destroyed a rocket launcher and large amounts of weapons and ammunition. An official source said that an army unit destroyed a rocket launcher and killed and injured a number of terrorists affiliated to Jabhet al-Nusra terrorist organization in the town of Kulaib al-Soud.
The source said that terrorists’ hideouts and gatherings were destroyed in the towns of Salba, mas’oud and Abu Hanaya, adding that weapons, ammunition and vehicles were seized.

(Left) West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center’s 2007 report, “Al-Qa’ida’s Foreign Fighters in Iraq” indicated which areas in Syria Al Qaeda fighters filtering into Iraq came from. The overwhelming majority of them came from Dayr Al-Zawr in Syria’s southeast, Idlib in the north near the Turkish-Syrian border, and Dar’a in the south near the Jordanian-Syrian border. (Right) A map indicating the epicenters of violence in Syria indicate that the exact same hotbeds for Al Qaeda in 2007, now serve as the epicenters of so-called “pro-democracy fighters” and also happen to be areas the US CIA is admittedly distributing weapons and other aid in. (Source, LandDestroyer)
Meanwhile, an army unit clashed with an armed terrorist group that tried to attack a military checkpoint near al-Ummyeh town in al-Salamyeh countryside and killed and injured most of its members.
A military source told SANA reporter that the army eliminated and injured scores of terrorists affiliated to Jabhet al-Nusra terrorist organization in Hama’s eastern countryside. The source added that the army destroyed a rocket launcher and a number of machineguns-equipped vehicles in the area.
The army continued operations against the armed terrorist groups in Daraa and its countryside and destroyed a number of their gatherings and hideouts. A military source said that a number of terrorists who were committing acts of murder and looting in Ma’raba town were eliminated, among them were Firas Khaldoun Battanyeh and Khalil Ahmad Sarayha, of Jordanian nationality, Mahmoud al-Abdullah, Abdullah al-Ouda and Ghaleb al-Mahmoud.
An army unit clashed with an armed terrorist group that tried to attack a military checkpoint in the city of Inkhel and killed and injured scores of its members.
A number of terrorists who were terrorizing the locals in Busra al-Sham city were killed, an army unit pursued terrorists in al-Mahatta neighborhood and al-Nazehen camp in Daraa city, killing and injuring scores of them.
Armed Forces units continued to pursue terrorist groups in the neighborhoods of Daraa city and the areas of al-Shabraq, Tades, Jassem and Sahm al-Golan in Daraa countryside, leaving a number of terrorists dead or injured and destroying their hideouts and equipment.
The Syrian army carried out a series of operations against Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Idleb countryside. An official source told SANA reporter that the Syrian army eliminated several terrorists, including foreign terrorists from Jordan, Kuwait, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. The source noted that tens of terrorists were killed in al-Nairab town including a Saudi, Jordanian and Egyptian terrorists.
Units of the army eliminated scores of terrorists in a series of operations against their dens in Bishlamo, Kniseh, Nahleh, al-Shager, al-Alieh, Ihsim, Qumainas, Maartamasin, Sermin, Tal Dinit and Madajen towns west of Binnish.
Units of the Syrian army confronted an armed terrorist group which tried to attack citizens in al-Qahtanieh town in al-Quneitera countryside and inflicted major losses on the terrorists. A military source told SANA reporter that a heavy machinegun belonging to the terrorists was destroyed and the leader of the group was killed.
The source added that a unit of the army eliminated an armed terrorist group in Jabata al-Khashab town, while another group inflicted heavy losses on the terrorists in al-Othmanieh and destroyed their weapons.
The source pointed out that another army unit foiled a terrorist attempt to detonate 10 explosive devices planted in various areas on Damascus-Quneitera Highway set to be remotely detonated.
On Sunday 9 June a unit of the Syrian Armed Forces foiled an attempt by an armed terrorist group to infiltrate from Turkey into Syria through the village of Nabe´al-Mur in the countryside near Lattakia. Most of the insurgents were killed and their weapons and ammunition was destroyed.
A military source pointed out, that a heavy machine gun was mounted on a vehicle that contained a large amount of various types of machine guns. Another army unit repelled a terrorist group who attempted to attack a military checkpoint near a cork factory in the countryside of Jisr al-Shughour in the Idleb province, killing a number of them and injuring others. Seven insurgents were killed in the town of al-Rami and others were eliminated in the villages of al-Janoudiyeh, Bashlamoun, Darkoush and Jiftallek.
The source added that units of the armed forces destroyed terrorists’ gatherings in Sarmin, Binnesh, Jabal al-Arbaeen, al-Nairab and Wadi al-Taleh site in Maaret al-Numan area.
An army unit clashed with an armed terrorist group that had been committing acts of looting and blocking roads on Saraqib-Aleppo highway, killing most of its members.
The Syrian armed forces continue operations against remaining pockets of insurgents while reestablishing security in liberated areas.
The change to counter insurgency strategies, which partially are based on Russian experience with combating foreign-backed Chechen insurgents is paying a peace dividend by reestablishing peace and calm to the residents in areas that have been held by foreign backed bearded cutthroats and terrorists from literally all countries where al-Qaeda recruits.
Significant factors that have contributed to the decisive victories are among other, that Hezbollah has begun securing large parts of the Lebanese – Syrian Border, the fact that Iraq´s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has made good on his promise to secure the Iraqi side of the Iraqi – Syrian border, with the exception of the Kurdish ( read NATO) enclave in Northern Iraq. Also the fact that Iraq began securing its border to Saudi-Arabia after the Saudi government reactivated old smuggling routes in the Anbar province has contributed to reducing the insurgencies logistic back-land.
In Qasair, NATO´s low-budget, discount army under the banner of al-Qaeda, Jabhat al-Nusrah, Believe Battallion, and other bearded cutthroats and useful idiots have met their Stalingrad.
Unless Qatar, Saudi-Arabia, Turkey, the UK and France or the USA find ways of transporting tens of thousands of fresh insurgents to Syria, as it was done before the battles for Aleppo in June and July 2012 one must presume, that the anti-Syrian alliance has experienced its Stalingrad in Qasair.
Short of a direct military intervention, which would be a mistake of historic proportions, one must presume that Syria has won a decisive military victory. The risk of sporadic battles and massacres, roadside and car bombs and other serious terrorist acts however, remains imminent. So does the threat of a western military intervention on the grounds of fabricated and falsified chemical weapons “evidence”.