Patrick Meier: Truth in the Age of Social Media: A Social Computing and Big Data Challenge

Truth in the Age of Social Media: A Social Computing and Big Data Challenge I have been writing and blogging about “information forensics” for a while now and thus relished Nieman Report’s must-read study on “Truth in the Age of Social Media.” My applied research has specifically been on the use of social media to support …

Patrick Meier: Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī: An Update from the Qatar Computing Research Institute

EXTRACT: This brings me to the Qatar (Foundation) Computing Research Institute (QCRI), which was almost called the al-Khwārizmī Computing Research Institute. I joined QCRI exactly two weeks ago as Director of Social Innovation. My first impression? QCRI is Doha’s “House of Whizzkids”. The team is young, dynamic, international and super smart. I’m already working on several exploratory …

Reference: Gordon Cook on Freedom Tower and the Autonomous Internet – Peer to Peer User-Owned Communications and Computing Infrastructure

2012-04-13 Cook Report Peer to Peer Freedom Tower Phi Beta Iota:  This is a hugely important reference work, the first of its kind, and very strongly recommended to all who care about human dignity, human freedom, and human evolution. See Also: Reference: Gordon Cook on Technology, Economics & Public Interest – Occupy and the Current …

Event: 16-19 July Las Vegas 2012 International Conference on Internet Computing

2012 International Conference on Internet Computing Dates: Jul 16 – 19, 2012 Location: Las Vegas, Nevada   Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Social networks Next generation of internet + modeling and analysis Traffic models and statistics Metacomputing Electronic commerce and internet Resource management and location Design and analysis of …

Patrick Meier: Crowd-Sourcing Making Putin Nervous

Crowdsourcing vs Putin: “Mapping Dots is a Disease on the Map of Russia” 4 December 2011 I chose to focus my dissertation research on the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) during elections in repressive states. Why? Because the contentious relationship between state and society during elections is accentuated and the stakes are generally higher than periods in-between …

DefDog: US Army Blows Intelligence Computing (Again)…

I suppose a lack of integrity makes it impossible to learn…. US Army’s $2.7bn Intel-sharing computer still not up-to-speed at work Afghanistan Sun Saturday 9th July, 2011 (ANI) The Distributed Common Ground System, the US Army’s 2.7 billion dollars computing system that was designed to share intelligence with troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, has …