NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan, Taliban, Drones — One Drone Strike, Four Levels of Analysis

Pakistan: Press reports indicate a US drone attack killed a senior Pakistani Taliban leader and, variously, from four to seven comrades today. The Pakistani Taliban denied that Wali ur Rehman Mehsud was killed. Comment: Reaction to this drone attack has been mixed, but the timing relative to political developments in Pakistan is unfortunate. The new …

Eagle: Facebook Strike Two — “Likes” Reveal All — Like It or Not

Facebook ‘likes’ predict personality What do your Facebook likes say about you? Sexuality, political leanings and even intelligence can be gleaned from the things you choose to “like” on Facebook, a study suggests. Researchers at Cambridge University used algorithms to predict religion, politics, race and sexual orientation. The research, published in the journal PNAS, forms …

Marcus Aurelius: White House Has Two Strikes With Marine Corps — Could It Be Time for a Professional National Security Advisor in Lieu of a Party / Public Relations Flack?

This is the antecedent to my previous post on Gen. Mattis. The administration’s mishandling of Marine Gen. James Mattis Posted By Thomas E. Ricks Friday, January 18, 2013 – 9:50 AM Word on the national security street is that General James Mattis is being given the bum’s rush out of his job as commander of …

Marcus Aurelius: New York Money Strikes Out at US Defense Budget

Invite your attention to attached think-piece from one of  Washington think tanks.  BLUF:  Compendium of several approaches to screw over military Services, particularly Army and Marine Corps.  Retirees, particularly working age, also targeted.  AF, Navy, SOF, cyber favored.  Several 3-stars and 4-stars signed on to this thing; not supportive of former colleagues IMHO. Peter Peterson Strikes …