Owl: Eugenics Update – “Good Club,” Vaccines to Abort, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, David Rockefeller, Population Control Of, By, and For the Elite

We don’t make this stuff up. Bill Gates Talks ‘Vaccines to Reduce Population’ by F. William Engdahl Financial Sense Editorials Archive, 4 March 2010 Microsoft founder and one of the world’s wealthiest men, Bill Gates, projects an image of a benign philanthropist using his billions via his (tax exempt) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to …

Gordon Duff: Obama Assassination Legal Under Torah / Israeli Law? False Flag Nuclear Hit on Chicago? Bio-War on Poor? + Israel Atrocity and False Flag RECAP

Obama Assassination Said to be Legal Under Israeli Law Israeli Right to Kill President Supportable … by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Veterans Today, 24 January 2012 Last week, an obscure publication in Atlanta issued what seemed to be a “suggestion” that the Israeli government “eliminate” President Obama for “reasons of state.”  The argument made by …

Eagle: Who, Exactly, Orchestrated Published Zionist Death Threat Against POTUS?

Killing Obama – United States vs. Andrew Adler Why is Neither the Jewish Org Community or the Media Checking Into Andrew Adler’s Background? Jim W. Dean, Editor VeteransToday, 22 January 2012 There is something fishy about this Andrew Adler ‘Kill Obama’ case. It came out of the blue…from a small below the radar Jewish publication, …

Eagle: Israel / Jews Discuss Assassination of Obama

Orders from Tel Aviv: Murder Obama Alan Hart VeteransToday, 21 January 2012 Have Israel’s “inner circles” discussed assassinating President Obama? By Alan Hart One man who apparently thinks the answer is “Yes” is Andrew Adler, the owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times. Read detailed indictment and see the actual copy of the written …

Stephen Lendman: Israel Violates Palestine, Plans New War

Israel Plans Major Gaza War Stephen Lendman VeteransToday, 18 January 2012 Israel already threatens war on Iran. It’s also involved with Washington, Turkey, Jordan, and other rogue Arab states behind Syria’s externally generated insurgency. Gaza’s also threatened. On January 1, Haaretz writer Amos Harel headlined “Will 2012 bring another Israeli war against Hamas in Gaza?” …

Eagle: Israel, CIA Credentials, Terrorist False Flap Operations

Israeli Agents, Phony Credentials, Terrorist Recruiters? Gordon Duff VertansToday, 15 January 2012 When Mark Perry, writing for the CFR, considered the most conservative and certainly the largest American think tank accused Israel of using CIA credentials for recruiting terrorists, particularly against Iran, I nearly fell of my chair. I had known about this all along.  …