Worth a Look: RED MAFIYA – How the Russian (Zionist) Mob Has Invaded America

From Publishers Weekly This disturbing, sharply rendered account tells how the post-Communist Russian Mafiya has infiltrated American life with tactical intelligence and a rare level of viciousness. Drawing from interviews with top Russian mobsters and police, journalist Friedman (Zealots for Zion: Inside Israel’s West Bank Settlement Movement) trenchantly explores the brutal corruption of the U.S.S.R. …

Stephen E. Arnold: False Positives from Flawed Algorithms and Flawed Image Matching Ruin Lives

False Positives: The New Normal And this is why so many people are wary of handing too much power to algorithms. TechDirt reports, “School Security Software Decided Innocent Parent Is Actually a Registered Sex Offender.” That said, it seems some common sense on the part of the humans involved would have prevented the unwarranted humiliation. …

Robert Steele: First Wives & Former Spies Et Al Form Alliance to Go After Cheating Billionaires (Out of Court)

There is a massive opportunity emergent that by-passes the dysfunctional legal systems of the US and UK. It joins the “First Wives” of billionaires who have cheated them, with former spies and uncorrupted retired police detectives as well as uncorrupted journalists who can drive billionaires (and corporations in the USA that collaborate with them in …

Worth a Look: Overthrow of the American Republic by Sherman Skolnick (Free Download)

Overthrow of the American Republic Sherman Skolnick was the paraplegic Jewish activist who exposed a lot of the judicial corruption in the federal courts in Chicago and sent many federal judges (about 60 or so) to prison under Operation Greylord. Nobody wanted to take him out because he was Jewish and crippled. He was a real character …