Yoda: Millenials Want a Third Party in US

Poll: 71 percent of millennials want a third political party “Nearly three-quarters of millennials say that a third political party is needed, according to an NBC News/GenForward survey…” See Also: Trump Triumph in 3 Moves #UNRIG Phase II Plan

Robert Steele: Zionism in America – Seven Strikes and Counting… (Trump Revolution 21)

Zionism in America –Seven Strikes & Counting… http://tinyurl.com/zionism-7-strikes Robert David Steele Preface: Strikes 1-5 appeared in an earlier article.[1] Numerous requests were received to isolate and extend this itemization of Zionist Strikes that will lead to its eviction from the halls of power in the USA. For those who worry about our President Donald Trump …

Donald Trump: Next Year in Jerusalem — NOT — How Donald Trump Just Diminished Benjamin Natenyahu and Zionist Influence/Looting USA

God Bless America and God Bless Donald Trump. Let’s start with words that cannot be forgotten: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 1990: America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we …

Robert Steele: How the Deep State controls social media and digitally assassinates critics – #GoogleGestapo – Censorship & Crowd-Stalking Made Easy (Trump Revolution 17)

How the Deep State Controls Social Media and Digitally Assassinates Critics #GoogleGestapo – Censorship & Crowd-Stalking Made Easy SHORT URL (AHT Published Version): http://tinyurl.com/GoogleGestapo Robert David Steele American Herald Tribune 7 November 2017 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) This is a speculative account based on …

Robert Steele: Zion in Shiksa-Land – Harvey Weinstein First Major Jewish Pedophilia Domino in the USA (Trump Revolution 16)

Zion in Shiksa-Land Harvey Weinstein – First Major Jewish Pedophile Domino in the USA Robert David Steele From Benjamin Fulford to Tim Luongo to Charles Huge Smith, it is clear that Harry Weinstein is not just “shlonged,” to use Donald Trump’s verbing of a noun, but he is taking the entire Zionist encampment in America …