Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young: Reference Links for Internet Identity / Individual Cyber Sovereignty

Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young: EVENT 17-19 October, Mountain View, CA The Internet Identity Workshop XXV NOTE: Robert Steele will attend all three days — crypto and identity are converging to create the Autonomous Internet that will bury Amazon and Google.  Start here. Rebooting Web-of-Trust Internet Identity Workshop Wiki (Past Notes Etc.) More links below the …

Tom Atlee: Is the Public Well-Informed Enough to be Trusted with Democracy?

Is the Public Well-Informed Enough to be Trusted with Democracy? Dear OZY Third Rail folks, You ask “Is the Public Well-Informed Enough to be Trusted with Democracy?“ Your question dances around an even bigger, even more important situation, without actually acknowledging it and its related question: Is it realistic to depend on our current form …

Robert Steele: The Death of Facebook … and Twitter and YouTube — the post #GoogleGestapo Internet is Emergent

A day does not go by that I do not receive inputs from citizens all over the world, generally of remarkably high quality and focus. Below the fold is a death notice for Facebook, which will probably not be able to rise to the European Community mandate that all end users must own their own …