Worth a Look: Economic Intelligence for the Public

Chris Martinsen’s Free Crash Course on Economics # Chapter Duration Translations — Introduction (on this page, above) 1:47 Español, Français 1 Three Beliefs 1:46 Español, Français 2 The Three “E”s 1:38 Español, Français 3 Exponential Growth 6:20 Español, Français 4 Compounding is the Problem 3:06 Español, Français 5 Growth vs. Prosperity 3:40 Español, Français 6 …

Review: Mandate for Change–Policies and Leadership for 2009 and Beyond

Rotten Job by Publisher, Too Expensive January 1, 2010 Chester W. Hartman et al I would normally have bought this book, I used past Mandate for Change books to devise the twelve core policies for Earth Intelligence Network (Agriculture, Diplomacy, Economy, Education, Energy, Family, Health, Justice, Immigration, Security, Society, Water), and I was very intrigued …

Worth a Look: Deep Web Multilingual Federated Search

Deep Web Implements the Multilingual Search that Google Imagines Donald A. DePalma 17 December 2009 Filed under (Translation & Localization, Translation Technologies) In an interview with the U.K. newspaper The Daily Telegraph, Google vice president for search products Marissa Mayer challenged the readership to “Imagine what it would be like if there was a tool …

Journal: Director of National Intelligence Alleges….

Strengthening Our Nation’s Front Line Of Defense By Dennis C. Blair Friday, December 18, 2009 Phi Beta Iota:  This is a seriously misleading article, our comments are provided after each paragraph. The legislation authorizing post-Sept. 11 intelligence reform — the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 — was signed into law five years …