Robert Steele: Secrecy, Self-Restraint, & Democracy Done in By Elites and “Experts”

The times they are a’ changing.  I was asked to comment on  the recently published Reference: Protecting Sensitive “Open” Information and do so gladly.  The author of that work means well, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the substance of what he expouses.  It is simply not reasonable nor feasible in context. I know …

DefDog: US Army Blows Intelligence Computing (Again)…

I suppose a lack of integrity makes it impossible to learn…. US Army’s $2.7bn Intel-sharing computer still not up-to-speed at work Afghanistan Sun Saturday 9th July, 2011 (ANI) The Distributed Common Ground System, the US Army’s 2.7 billion dollars computing system that was designed to share intelligence with troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, has …

FBI Wages Its Own Cyberwar on Zombie PCs

Potential to be very dangerous, although they are requesting permission and suggest there are problems associated with the removal of the malware, it represents another government intrusion under the guise of protecting the public…….requires serious consideration and oversight, both of which are lacking in government…. FBI May Hunt Down and Destroy Botnets in Zombie PCs …