Antechinus: CIA Killed OSINT at Birth — 80% of “OSINT” Studies are Bullshit

Further to the Phi Beta Iota comments on the mistaken limitation of OSINT to passive monitoring of web sites and such…. Prevalent approaches to countering ‘radicalisation’ ineffective, conceptually flawed “A lack of research based on primary sources has been one of the major impediments to progress in the field of (counter-) terrorism studies… As numerous …

Del Spurlock: The US Army, The US Constitution, & US Society

1986 Speech: Army Days San Francisco, CA Armies are not inherently disciplined, nor responsive to the will of the people in whose name they purport to act. Armies are not innately well led, nor representative of the societies from which they spring, nor humane in the treatment of those, within or without their ranks, subject …

Robert Parry: US Intel Vets Slam CIA Use of Torture and New Book “Rebuttal” That Repeats Prior Lies by CIA “Leaders” — Robert Steele Comments

US Intel Vets Decry CIA’s Use of Torture Torture defenders are back on the offensive publishing a book by ex-CIA leaders rebutting a Senate report that denounced the brutal tactics as illegal, inhumane and ineffective. Now, in a memo to President Obama, other U.S. intelligence veterans are siding with the Senate findings and repudiating the torture apologists. Comment by …