J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans Report April 2020 – Could COVID-19 Save America?

American Gray Swans – April 2020 Covid 19 possibly may save America! A rather stunning title statement, but it is true. Before I explain let me fill in new readers on the American Gray Swans. As many now know the Gray Swans are an adaptation of Nassim Taleb’s famous theory on a Black Swan Event. …

Robert Steele: How NOT To Display a Threat UPDATE: False Numbers

Below is a truly idiotic alleged White House “dashboard” on the corona virus.  See it live at https://visalist.io/emergency/coronavirus. This is the kind of thing people create who have zero understanding of holistic analytics or true cost economics. A proper Presidential dashboard would allow the visualization of this annoying fake pandemic in relation to all other …

Robert Steele: Fake Pandemic as an Economic Reboot — Recommendation for the President — Announcement Needed NOW

I have grown to to the view that the fake pandemic is  being tolerated by the President as a means of both slowing down the entire system while locked Deep State targets in place, and of doing some enormous creative destruction of banks and predatory corporation as well as the federal regulations that those predatory …

Robert Steele: World Health Organization Lies, Weaponized Against the Public – Should USA Leave WHO? Fake Pandemic But Real Threat . .

Print & Links Below the Fold SHORT URL: https://tinyurl.com/WHO-LIES The World Health Organization (WHO) is lying and has been weaponized against the public . I speculate that a proper investigation will find that WHO officials have been bribed or blackmailed to declare a pandemic. This is a straight-up last-ditch effort by the Satanic cabal to …