Peter Diamandis: Fear vs. Reality – Coronavirus

Fear vs. Reality – Coronavirus On one of the worst days for Coronavirus in China (February 10, 2020), 108 people died. But on a given day, globally: 26,283 people die of cancer; 49,041 people die of cardiovascular diseases; 4,383 people die of diabetes. Meanwhile, suicide takes on average 2,191 lives…. Mosquitoes take the lives of over 2,740 people, and…. And HUMANS kill an average of 1,287 fellow …

James Fetzer: Paul Doyon on China, 5G, And The Wuhan Coronavirus

China, 5G, And The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus Paul Doyon Could there be a link between the Coronavirus and 5G? Researcher and building biologist Paul Doyon has just spent the last 18 months in China. He’s written a brilliant article laying out the evidence. And how you can protect yourself—an EMF based protection …

Robert Steele: Abolish the CIA and the FBI? Or Not?

Angelo Codevilla, who wrote a very good book that I reviewed positively, Informing Statecraft–Intelligence for a New Century, has called for the abolition of CIA. Abolish CIA & FISA Others, including myself, have called for the abolishment of the FBI, which was founded by a pedophile who pioneered political blackmail, and is  today worthless as …

Review: Hate Inc. Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another by Matt Taibbi

Matt Taibbi 5 Stars — Totally Brilliant Let me begin with my 7-Star regard for Matt Taibbi — he is one of just three authors who have TWO books in my top 50 cosmic life-changing books lecture, the others are Will Durant and Edgar Morin and that is Nobel-level company. His two are Griftopia and …

SPECIAL: The Death of Clandestine HUMINT in the Digital Age

ROBERT STEELE: Afer nine years as a spy including three back-to-back tours overseas with five times the regional recruiting and production record, in 1988 I conceptualized the modern discipline of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). In 1993 Alvin Toffler built a chapter around me, “The Future of the Spy” and called me “the rival store” but …