Journal: India Strike on Pakistan Grows More Likely

India-Pakistan: According to a 109 page Indian interrogation report of the Pakistani-American jihadist, David Headley, officers through senior field grade ranks in Pakistan’s intelligence services were involved directly in the 2008 Mumbai militant attacks and intended to control a further split in Kashmir-based militant groups by providing them with a victory, The Guardian reported yesterday, …

Pakistan Medical Resource Finder, Millions at Risk of Fatal Diseases This is a good idea/resource that needs a great deal of additional information and mobile SMS access. Thanks to those posting at the Ushahidi Twitter feed Related: + Epidemic advisory situation report + Crisis Commons Wiki on Pakistan Floods + Sahana Foundation Flood Response Resources + + Crisis mappers + Praecipio International | …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Bin Laden, Pakistan, & US

Pakistan-US: The US Secretary of State repeated her comments, first made during an earlier visit, that “some elements of the Pakistani government, particularly its intelligence establishment, know where Osama bin Laden is hiding,” The Times of India reported. Note: The evidence supporting Secretary Clinton’s comment is overwhelming. Both bin Laden and Mullah Omar should have …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Pakistani Intelligence Service Planned Mumbai “End to End”–NSA and CIA Either Missed It, Or Blessed It…Either is Grounds for Shut-Down

India-Pakistan: Today, on the eve of the first talks between foreign ministers since 2008, the Indian Home Affairs Ministry announced that India has obtained evidence that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) directorate played a more significant role in the planning and execution of the November 2008 Mumbai attack than had previously been thought, according to Indian …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: China Wages Peace with Railroads Across Pakistan and Into Afghanistan

India: Minister of State for Defense M. M. Pallam Raju on 7 July said India is concerned about China’s plans to build a rail link with Pakistan through the Karakoram mountain range, The Times of India reported. He said India is planning to take countermeasures against the proposed link. Comment: This is one of four …

The Year of the Drone: Map & Analysis of U.S. Drone Strikes in Pakistan, 2004-2010

The research on these pages, which we have created in a good faith effort to be as transparent as possible with our sources and analysis and will be updated regularly, draws only on accounts from reliable media organizations with deep reporting capabilities in Pakistan, including the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal, …