Wayne Madsen: Yes, The USA Created ISIS…Along With….

ISIS was created by CIA and Mossad with funding from Saudi Arabia and logistics facilitation from Turkey, while drawing on disenfranchised Sunni officers from Iraq. Barack Obama and George Soros are directly responsible for ISIS (along with Hillary Clinton and John Brennan). Not to be overlooked are Ukrainian puppet Petro Proshenko and UN/Goldman Sachs puppet …

Stephen E. Arnold: EU Concludes Google is Hurting the Internet

Quote to Note: Users Want Relevant Results October 6, 2014 I highlighted this remarkable, earth shaking statement from “Google+ Is Hurting the Internet.” Here’s the passage: …they [users] prefer to get the most relevant results. The information appears in a Web page presenting “objective study results” conducted for a European group. The target is poor, …

Stephen H. Arnold: Palatir, PRISM, & Poop — PR Over Substance, Again

Search and Content Processing Vendor in the Spotlight Beyond Search, 8 June 2013 Once again I have no opinion about allegations regarding data intercepts. Not my business. Here in Harrod’s Creek, I am thrilled to have electric power and a couple of dogs to accompany me on my morning walk in the hollow by the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Bloomberg Exposed for Surveillance & Two-Way Exploitation of All Bloomberg Terminals

Bloomberg and Alleged Two Way Systems Just a small thing, the Bloomberg privacy breach allegations. There are far weightier matters in search; for example, are evaluations and ratings of search vendors objective? Someone on the LinkedIn Enterprise Search Engine Professional Group even raised the possibility that vendors “pay” for coverage in some consultants’ evaluations of …

The Closing Window: Why We Must Take Action Against Banks Before It’s Too Late

  Give a Man A Gun, and He Can Rob A Bank – Give A Man A Bank, and He Can Rob the World. – Anonymous [The] Bank of the United States… is one of the most deadly hostility existing, against the principles and form of our Constitution… An institution like this, penetrating by its branches …