Robert Steele: Is Trump In Trouble? Can #UNRIG Save Us All?

For some time I have been concerned about the President’s insouciance (the Democrats would say oblviousness) toward the 70% of our eligible voters who are excluded from the two-party political system today. Below is a graphic that should concern the President. While he has fourteen months to pull out all manner of positives, including pumping …

Robert Steele: Epstein Not Dead, Case Dismissed, Stolen Money Safe — Epstein Laughing!

SHORT URL: 20191111:  EPSTEIN, AL BAGHDADI AND THE POINT — Both Alive The perfect getaway: The Hill: Judge orders case against Epstein over NY Post: Jeffrey Epstein an ‘evil genius’ for filing will in the Virgin Islands CLOSED. The story is never going to be covered properly.  Here are the nine veils of evil …