Robert Steele: Is This How USG Corrupts & Controls Domestic Police?

I keep hearing from people repeating what Governor Jesse Ventura and former LAPD and author Mike Ruppert have been saying: that CIA has every police department across the country penetrated and controlled — and that either CIA or FBI or the Department of Defense can “assume jurisdiction” on any case in any locality across the …

Steele on Books & America: Love it or Lose it! VIDEO ++

Part I: Top 50 books (cosmic mind-altering books) Part II: The other 2,000 books in 26 clusters (a national conversation) Part III: SPY IMPROV – Questions & Answers To view in full screen mode click on vimeo word at lower right screen. Additional videos, graphics, scripts, and linked tables of book reviews below.

Robert Steele: Hats off to the Southern Baptists, Seeking to Restore Civil Christian Discourse to the Failed American Democracy

‘What killed American public discourse?’ New report, survey examines civility and evangelicals America’s public square is a toxic place, experts say, but one evangelical Christian organization is trying to figure out how to change that. “We hate our politicians, and we hate each other,” a new report examining the state of civility in the U.S. explains. The …

Robert Steele: Adam Schiff & CIA Compromised to Point of Treason? Update 2: Soros Funded Schiff

There is absolutely no question in my mind, based on years of non-fiction reading and direct observation, but that Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Mueller, Buzzy Krongard, George Tenet, John Brennan, Larry Silverstein, Maurice Greenberg, James Clapper, and Mike Hayden are all richly qualified to be indicted and tried and if convicted, sent to jail …

Robert Steele: Is President Trump Impeachable? The Clinton Memo & More….

I want President Donald Trump re-elected. That is in my view the shortest least violent path toward restoring the integrity of the US Congress (if the President embraces #UNRIG), and also strengthening the US Supreme Court. At this time, however, the President is not defending the US Constitution and that, I believe, is an impeachable …

Robert Steele: Atlantic Monthly on Donald Trump Jr. as the Natural Political Heir — and the End of Ivanka Trump as a Brand

The Heir Ivanka was always Trump’s favorite. But Don Jr. is emerging as his natural successor. ROBERT STEELE: The article is quite brilliant at multiple levels.  It is also in my view very unfair toward Donald Trump Jr. but ultimately accurate in concluding that he is the only Trump likely to be a success in …

Kerry Cassidy: Fake Alien Invasion to Cover Up Real Alien Battles? Robert Steele Comments

REVISITING THE FAKE ALIEN INVASION SCENARIO AKA PROJECT BLUE BEAM Article by Kerry Cassidy Project Blue Beam as the fake alien invasion is known has been on the books as a strong possibility for as many years as I have been researching this sector (at least 20) and is now being reviewed by top military …