Stephen E. Arnold: Palantir Technologies and Semi Hard Numbers

Palantir Technologies and Semi Hard Numbers Palantir Technologies is super secretive. The company plans to become publicly held. Does secret and public match up for you? “Palantir Built Itself into a $20 Billion Success with a Secretive and Controversial business. Now It’s Prepping for Life As a Transparent Public Company” offers some numbers; for instance:

Stephen E. Arnold: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Machine Learning Spectacularly Stupid? Or Criminally Mis-Directed?

Oh, Oh, Somebody Has Blown the Whistle on the Machine Learning Fouls Wonder why smart software is often and quite spectacularly stupid? You can get a partial answer in “On Moving from Statistics to Machine Learning, the Final Stage of Grief.” There’s some mathiness in the write up. However, the author who tries to stand …

Stephen E. Arnold: Web Traffic — the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

Web Traffic: Pay Up or Become Mostly Invisible GOOD: if you create content that offers value, overtime you will be seen even if the search engines are corrupt. BAD: manipulating backlinks are a death sentence. UGLY: Google (and individual Google mechanics with no adult oversight) can do whatever they want to you and there is …

Stephen E. Arnold: Knowledge Management Floundering

Knowledge Management: Still Floundering? Absolutely I spotted this knowledge management write up: “How to Hold on to Critical Knowledge When Employees Leave.” The recommendations on the surface seem like common sense. However, there are a couple of typical knowledge management oddities.

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Destroys a Business with Impunity. . .

Real Estate Firm Wants to Be Real Digital business listings can be just as lucrative as physical property holdings. The right domain name can sell for thousands and videogames sell digital objects and upgrades in micro transactions. When a digital holding that belongs to you, however, is “stolen” it can be difficult to reclaim it. …

Stephen E. Arnold: Penrose, New Math Visualization Tool

Mathematica Not Available? Give Penrose a Whirl If you want to visualize mathematical procedures, you can use any number of tools. Wolfram Mathematica is a go to choice for some folks. However, Penrose, a new tool, is available. The system is described in “CMU’s ‘Penrose’ Turns Complex Math Notations Into Illustrative Diagrams.” The article reports: …