Greg Hunter: Election Fraud Proof Puts Trump Back in Office – Mike Lindell

There is no one working harder on the massive 2020 election and voter fraud than My Pillow CEO, Mike Lindell. The voter and election fraud has been documented in many ways, and it was used to steal the election from President Donald Trump. Insiders from the Deep State swamp, Democrats and Republicans worked together, along …

Robert Steele: Best Single Summary of Election Fraud & Obstruction of Justice – Margin of Fraudulent Claim by Biden-Harris is 279,000 Ballots; Ballots Demanding Investigation Total 4,340,058

TINYURL for Ease of Sharing: I do not know who produced this.  It came to me in an email, I cannot find it via online search for the title perhaps because Google is refusing to index it. I have asked my source to track back to where they got it. In  the meantime, I …

Zero Hedge: Top Ten Censored Stories of 2020

The Top 10 Most-Suppressed News Stories Of 2020 Authored by Frank Miele via, Election Fraud Hunter Biden’s Laptop Trump’s Vaccine Victory Hydrochloroquine Mysterious Mutating Lockdowns The communist links to antifa and Black Lives Matter how the Russian hoax was exposed but left unpunished; how the policies of governor in New York state led to …