SchwartzReport: Kids for Cash Judges Stock Prisons — Modern Atrocity Made in the USA

This is a horrible story that should surprise no one. When you run prisons as profit making operations — a business only sleazy people would be involved with — this is what one should expect. At least the story has a good ending in that some of the creeps went to prison. This is who …

Jon Rappoport: Connecticutt, Yale, & Cover-Up of Legalized Toxic Psychiatric Drugs – $14 Billion Buys a Lot of Immunity for Bristol-Myers Squibb; Boehringer-Ingleheim; Rib-X; Purdue; Alexion; Achillion; Pfizer

Exposed: Sandy Hook shooter’s biggest threat still lives Adam Lanza, the purported Sandy Hook School shooter, is the subject of an ongoing investigation in Connecticut. No, it’s not a police probe, it’s about “mental health.” The investigation is all about Lanza’s medical history, what diagnoses were made, who the doctors were, what psychiatric drugs they …