Ray McGovern Et Al: Trump Should Withdraw Haspel Nomination

Trump Should Withdraw Haspel Nomination, Intel Vets Say Two dozen former U.S. intelligence officers urge President Trump to rescind Gina Haspel’s nomination to lead the CIA, citing torture that she oversaw while supervising a black site prison, as well as her role in destroying evidence.  Dissenting comment by Robert Steele below the fold.

Rose P. Keravuori: Army Intel Weak — Can It Expand? No.

Expansibility and Army Intelligence Rose P. Keravuori Parameters Winter 2017 (18/11) The US Army has arguably not fought a capable state adversary since World War II. Now, after decades of conducting limited interventions, the expansibility and adaptability of military intelligence capabilities are in question. . . . During interviews for this study, intelligence leaders repeatedly …