Wayne Jett: Project Insignia Reveals Deep State Trillions

INSIGNIA PROJECT REVEALS DEEP STATE TRILLIONS Currency Amounts Beyond Comprehension Project Insignia, described as an investigation into Deep State cocaine trafficking, made a gigantic data dump of its findings on or about August 24, 2018. Information and documents are so voluminous as to defy concise description, but a start must be made. Operatives working behind …

Betty Boop: Did Hillary Clinton’s Private Email, Hacked by China, Lead to the Execution of All US Spies in China?

Did The New York Times Out Hillary Clinton As The Source Of The CIA-China Spy Massacre? 18 to 20 covert operatives were discovered/imprisoned/murdered by China’s government in the short span of 2010 to 2012. The U.S. security breach that allowed that to happen remains ‘unknown’ according to Establishment Media coverage. Stunning Report Confirms China Had …