NATO Civil-Military Fusion Centre: Afghanistan Youth

Worth a look. Afghanistan Beyond the Headlines: Women, Youth, and War June 24, 2013 As the United States approaches its 2014 deadline for military withdrawal from Afghanistan, one often overshadowed aspect of the conflict is the hard-won progress made by previously marginalized segments of the Afghan population, particularly women, girls, and young people. Afghanistan has …

NATO CIMIC: The Role of Iran in Afghanistan’s Reconstruction & Development

PDF (10 Pages):  20130816 NATO CIMIC Iran_Reconstruction_Afghanistan This report provides a broad overview of the contribution of the Islamic Republic of Iran to reconstruction and development in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban. It complements previous CFC reports discussing the role of China, India and Pakistan in Afghanistan’s reconstruction, development and exploitation of natural …

Mini-Me: Argentine President Opposes Security Council Veto, Deepens Latin American Rejection of NATO, OAS, and UN — Palestine and Malvinas Cited

Huh? Argentine president takes on Security Council veto Associated Press, 6 August 2013 Argentina’s President Cristina Fernandez used the opportunity of presiding over the U.N. Security Council for the first time Tuesday to take aim at the veto power of its five permanent members _ the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France. Fernandez also …

Search: NATO SOCOM Open Source Agency

This is an emerging possibility.  Below is the original but newly revised link on the Open Source Agency.  Central to the revision is the growing understanding within NATO, SOCOM, and AFRICOM that “traditional” C2 (proprietary) and “traditional” intelligence (secret) are Dead on Arrival (DOA).  The new meme within official circles is Alternative C2 and Alternative …

2013 Robert Steele in NATO Watch — NATO 4.0 Challenges AND Solutions

PDF (4 Pages):  2013-07-30 nato_4.0_-_key_challenges_and_solutions Original Post: 2013 Robert Steele Reflections on NATO 4.0 — Key Challenges AND Solutions 1.2 Note that in the original post, each image expands to a full-size graphic at full resolution. See Also: NATO OSINT to OSE/M4IS2 Round-Up 2.0 This is my last post for the foreseeable future.  Entering on …

Gordon Duff: Israeli Covert Action in USA Led by Senator John McCain?

Israeli hoax on Gen. Dempsey unmasked Hoax exposed: Gen. Dempsey rebuffs speculations he called for Syria raids “In truth, the calls for ‘kinetic strikes’ on Syria came from Senator John McCain of Arizona, a member of the Israeli lobby who met with Al Qaeda leaders in the Arab country in late May, 2013.” Read full …