Cheery Waves: Seven Stages to the Khilafah in 2020

Working Hypothesis – AQ and the Muslim Brotherhood Ayman al-Zawahiri, current head of AQ, was an instrumental figure of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), the armed wing of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Zawahiri was imprisoned following the assassination of Anwar Sadat.  He came to power within AQ following the death of Abdullah Yusuf Azzam (for …

Berto Jongman: Col James Steele, USA — Death Squads & Torture from El Salvador to Iraq — One of the “Boys” with Back Door Access to Rumsfeld

James Steele: America’s mystery man in Iraq – video (51:08) The Guardian, Wednesday 6 March 2013 A 15-month investigation by the Guardian and BBC Arabic reveals how retired US colonel James Steele, a veteran of American proxy wars in El Salvador and Nicaragua, played a key role in training and overseeing US-funded special police commandos …

Mini-Me: Veteran’s Today Warns of False Flag Terror in US End of May — Russians Exercising in US Around NORTHCOM with Mission to Take and Hold Denver Airport…G-8 Moved to Camp David

Huh? U.S. False Flag Likely May 20-31, 2012 By Captain Eric H. May, Ghost Troop CO The breaking news from Chicago, ‘NATO 3’ had targeted Obama campaign HQ, Rahm’s house, police stations, prosecutors say, concurs with the analysis below: The United States is hosting the G8, NATO and the Bilderberg Group in a two-week span, …

Penguin: US/UK Perpetuate Soviet False Flag Model + Meta-RECAP

Phillip Knightley: When is a terror threat not a terror threat? Let’s ask a man called Felix… All intelligence services rely on convincing the public there is a monster at large waiting to grab them The British undercover agent in the underpants bomb plot that has emerged so sensationally in recent days, was recruited using …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Government Secret Intelligence

Updated 22 July 2019 SHORTCUT: A fraction–the most relevant, from Intelligence (Government/Secret)  (408).  Does not include Information Operations (154), Information Society (247), Information Technology (118), or Misinformation & Propaganda (242). Does not include Intelligence (Collective & Quantum) (114), Intelligence (Commercial) (90), Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial) (24), Intelligence (Public) (326), Intelligence (Spiritual) (6), Intelligence (Wealth of Networks) …