Robert Steele: Washington Post Offers 10 Reasons Hillary Clinton Will Beat Donald Trump — I Counter Each (1 True, 5 False, 4 Half & Half)

SHORT URL: Jennifer Rubin, a former lawyer, is a conservative columnist for The Washington Post. Below I take the first line only from her , and offer concise rebuttals in favor of Trump’s winning — with the caveat that if Trump cannot listen and adjust in the next 30 days, Ms. Rubin is in …

Chuck Spinney: Deadly Blowback from Neo-Imperial Wars (Terrorism and Illegal Immigration) Place Europe at Risk

Last September 11, I posted an essay that argued the refugee flows triggered by the aftermath of our interventions in the Middle East were mutating, whether by design or by accident, into grand strategic weapon of mass destruction.  My argument was limited to the flows within the Middle East, but as I implied, they were …

Amazon Kindle: Democracy Riots! We are all black now – deal with it! (Trump Revolution Book 02)

The only people actually inciting violence at Donald Trump rallies are the organized agitators, including convicted felon and terrorist Bill Ayers, who are violating – with malice aforethought – the First Amendment rights of the participants in these private events. We now know that George Soros has committed major funding toward a wave of civil …