Stephen E. Arnold: Search Implodes, Yahoo & Google Both is Jeopardy

What Most Search Vendors Cannot Pull Off I recently submitted an Information Today column that reported about Antidot’s tactical play to enter the US market. One of the fact checkers for the write up alerted me that most of the companies I identified were unknown to US readers. Test yourself. How many of these firms …

Stephen E. Arnold: Information Manipulation — Google Leads, All Others Guilty as Well

Information Manipulation: Accountability Pipedream I read an article with what I think is the original title: “What does the Facebook Experiment Teach us? Growing Anxiety About Data Manipulation.” I noted that the title presented on Techmeme was “We Need to Hold All Companies Accountable, Not Just Facebook, for How They Manipulate People.” In my view, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Has Killed Search — For-gedda-bout-it

Google: Search Is So Yesterday Net net: It will become more difficult to obtain objective search results going forward. For a person who needs accurate, timely information the research job is going to get more difficult in the months ahead. PBI: Google only does shallow web. It can do deep web, but you must pay …

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Google Breaking the Internet?

Google: Owning the Internet I read “Google Is Breaking the Internet.” The write up addresses the issue of links between and among other Internet accessible content. The discussion focuses on search engine optimization. Google has a problem with relevance related to generating revenue. The pressure Google is exerting with regard to links is a logical …

Stephen E. Arnold: Bill Suggests Replacing NTIS with Google Search

Bill Suggests Replacing NTIS with Google Search The article titled There’s a ‘Let Me Google That For You’ Bill on Talking Points Memo relates the substance of a bipartisan bill (sponsored by Tom Coburn and Clair McCaskill). The bills purpose is to save the taxpayer money by resorting to Google and eliminating the National Technical …