Penguin: Productivity Apps – The Intermediate Solution(s)

The new word processor wars: A fresh crop of productivity apps are trying to reinvent our workday For notes and docs, there’s Quip, Notejoy, Slite, Zenkit, Notion and Agenda. For spreadsheets, there’s Bellevue, Wash.-based Smartsheet, as well as Airtable, Coda and, although it’s a very different take on the spreadsheet, Trello. The list goes on …

Robert Steele: Plans for Displacement of #GoogleGestapo UPDATE 2

UPDATE 1: Our lead engineer explorer comments. Please note that Thin Thread from Pretty Good Knowledge will be the backbone of our global search and sense-making engine. The malicious digital assassination of Gab has energized funders and plans are advancing for a calculated integral displacement of the entire #GoogleGestapo ecology that should be — but …

Tom Luongo: Attack on Gab is a #GoogleGestapo Conspiracy (Shooter Had Equally Vile Accounts with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter)

Attack on Gab Proves Speech Was Never Free Why is Gab targeted? Because Gab is a true alternative to Twitter which exists outside of the control of the financial and political oligarchy. With the recent passing of the EU’s “Link Law” which is designed to shut down opposition voices, the merged corporate/political oligarchy are moving …

Robert Steele: Trump Truth Channel UPDATE Add Donald Trump Junior Tweet on Need for an Alternative & Class Action Lawsuit Against #GoogleGestapo

The President needs a truth channel that connects him directly with the 200 million eligible voters in the USA (70% of them blocked from ballot access and meaningful vote). Such a truth channel must combine text messages, emails, posts, videos, and shared documents and must not be subject to censorship, manipulation or digital assassination such …

Penguin: Way Cool? CodeMail (TrumpMail?)

Global Decentralized Communication Network CodeMail is a secure, private, anonymous, decentralized communication network built on blockchain technology that allows people across the globe to interact freely without the threat of exposure or invasion of privacy.  

John M. Newman: The Myth of the Free (George Washington Law Review, 86/2, March 2018) – Death Roll for #GoogleGestapo

The Myth of Free 86 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 513 The task is urgent: the Myth of Free is not benign. It has misled courts into granting protected legal status to Free-product suppliers in cases ranging from contract disputes to antitrust and privacy litigation. It has also motivated policy proposals that call for eliminating market interventions—or competitive …