Journal: ClimateGate 23 December 2009 Afternoon

Green Party leaders: US in Copenhagen summit helped kill necessary steps against global warming WASHINGTON, DC — US Green Party leaders expressed their dismay with the failure of the UN summit in Copenhagen to reach an agreement on international action to curb climate change. Turning Tricks, Cashing In on Fear Properly speaking, the Copenhagen dogmata …

Journal: ClimateGate 22 December 2009 Evening

Carbon Trading Scam In Big Trouble After Copenhagen Failure Green billionaires take a hit as markets nosedive Global warming con men hoping to bag windfall profits from the climate change scam are wincing today after carbon trading markets nose dived following the failure at Copenhagen to secure legally binding targets on restricting CO2 emissions. Green …

Journal: ClimateGate 20 December 2009 Afternoon

Global Warming as Groupthink The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s process institutionalizes groupthink on a global scale. Follow the money in global warming hoax On the money game, he has stated, “They give an endless amount of money to the side which agrees with the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). … If you …

Journal: Iranians Making Sense on Climate Matters?

Ahmadinejad makes more sense on climate change than US leaders Ahmadinejad: All countries should be able to use nuclear power Iran’s President Says Materialism, Capitalism Cause of Climate Change Islamic Republic of Iran News Network Television (IRINN) as translated by Open Source Center (OSC) Friday, December 18, 2009 (Ahmadinezhad in progress) … … Every year …