Search: linking the split brain theory and jungian epistemological balance to architectural pedagogy

This is really fascinating because since these Salama graphics were posted, there have been many more explorations of the merger of neuroscience, psychology, and how we design and structure everything else.  Imagine the most gifted artists in the world locked inside a lunatic asylum.  That is us today.  We can do better. Better search:  Graphic: …

Mini-Me: World Revolting Against US Economic Model [Full Text Online for Google Translate]

Open Letter at P2P Foundation Dear friends and colleagues, The world is riveting toward a possible turning point and we hope that you are able to stand with us in this call to action. We, the undersigned, have co-authored the document noted below. We are now writing to seek your endorsement. Please if you wish …

Graphic: Global Brain at Infancy (Facebook)

A member of Facebook’s data infrastructure engineering team, recently took a sample of about ten million pairs of friends from Facebook’s data warehouse and plotted out their relationships. The result? A stunningly beautiful—and accurate—map of the world. Source Phi Beta Iota:  What really matters in the above is not the light, but the darkness.  Facebook–and …

Review: The World Sensorium — The Social Embryology of World Federation 1946

Oliver L. Reiser A Gem–Easy to Read, A Foundation Book for World Brain and Global Game, May 22, 2011 I bought this book on a whim, sensing that despite its 1946 publication date it might be inspirational and I have been *very* glad to go through this. It was a half-century ahead of its time. …