Mini-Me: One Million Strike in Indonesia – For Labor, Not Religion

Huh? Indonesia: One million on strike Ted Sprague Militan Indonesia, Tuesday, 09 October 2012 Amazing! There is no other word that can describe the situation on October 3. Workers all over Indonesia went on strike and took to the streets. This first national general strike in half a century truly raises expectations and hopes that …

Marcus Aurelius: Australian Media – USG Calls Assange as an Enemy of the State + Wikileaks RECAP

Julian ASSANGE probably is a bona fide “enemy of the State;” not sure that is actually an official US Government term.   However, since the first hoopla about Bradley MANNING and Wiki-leaks came out a couple of years ago, I’m not sure the troops have been adequately warned that reading Wiki-leaks sites is proscribed.  At that …

Search: threat matrix

Human in the loop — always, without exception, better than technology. Graphic: Expeditionary Environment Analytic Model Graphic: Four Global Belligerent Groups Today Graphic: Four Threat Classes Graphic: Strategic Analytic Matrix Graphic: Ten High-Level Threats to Humanity Graphic: Top Ten Threats to Humanity – Relevance of Open Sources & Methods Graphic: Threat Level Changes Depending on …

Yoda: Recording the Future – Repeat Itself, Foolishness Does…

Repeat itself, foolishness does. Predicting the future through online data mining Recorded Future predicts when and where a demonstration will occur after mining from the web all the related activities. EXTRACT As it turns out, the software company Recorded Future (which has recently been praised by Wired, the MIT Technology Review and other media outlets, …

John Steiner: Bottom-Up Distributed Resilient / Sustainable Communities

Email Extract: The movement is stronger than ever – and hundreds of these sites are now over 20 years old, and are the primary shapers of local/regional policy. Hope you are well. Left you a VM re convergence last eve. • A distributed non-centralized movement of thousands of “healthy / livable / sustainable community” initiatives …