Review: The Empathetic Civilization–the Race to Global Consciousness in a World of Crisis

HUGE Book, Deep Look From One Perspective January 14, 2010 Jeremy Rifkin This is a society-changing piece of work. This is a magnum opus from a very specific point of view that overlooks both major consciousness figures and major biosphere figures. Herman Daly gets one note, Tom Atlee, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Steve McIntosh are not …

Reference: Protecting the Force–Lessons from Fort Hood

Phi Beta Iota: The report observes that we lack both indicators and the ability to share information about indicators across boundaries.  More disturbing to us from a public intelligence perspective is the report’s unwillingess to address the cognitive dissonance that led to the break-down of an educated multi-cultural field grade officer in the U.S. Army.

Journal: MILNET Selected Headlines

U.S. Mobilizes to Send Assistance to Haiti Phi Beta Iota: US military has been slow but more attentive than in the past.  They still lack Peace Jumpers, rapid-response peace flights, and multinational intelligence and logistics coordination “in a box.”  Afterthought:  PSYOP facilities, personnel, budget, and air leaflet capabilities could all be beneficially transfered to the …

Worth a Look: Empathetic Smart Civilization

Phi Beta Iota: this specific book is rocketing around Reuniting America, Transpartisan (Left) and Post-Partisan (Right) circles, the 50 million or so Americans–possibly more now–that consider themselves Cultural Creatives.  This book will be reviewed here in a week or two.  Below are related books with links to their review page and from there to their …

Reference: Retired CIA officer–Fix the Agency

CNN Editor’s note: Charles S. Faddis is a retired CIA operations officer and the former head of the CIA’s unit focused on fighting terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction. The author of a recently published book about the CIA, “Beyond Repair,” Faddis is also president of Orion Strategic Services, a Maryland-based consulting firm. Phi Beta …