Could BitTorrent Be The Distributed Social Network People Have Been Clamoring For?

Could BitTorrent Be The Distributed Social Network People Have Been Clamoring For? from the it’s-got-the-distribution… dept Innovation by Mike Masnick TechDirt, Thu, May 12th 2011 One of the key things we’ve been noting over the past few months is how many more people are beginning to recognize the benefits of having systems and services that …

4 Trends Shaping the Emerging “Superfluid” Economy

4 Trends Shaping the Emerging “Superfluid” Economy Venessa Miemis | May 9, 2011 This post originally appeared on’s Global Public Square. Humanity and technology continue to co-evolve at an ever increasing pace, leaving traditional institutions (and mindsets) calcified and out of date. A new paradigm is emerging, where everything is increasingly connected and the nature …

Bin Laden Show 32: Journalists on Fiction and Lies

Journalists Are Grumbling About Changing Raid Details By Uri Friedman May 05, 2011 Atlantic Monthly The White House’s account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden has undergone some revisions in recent days–a fact White House press secretary Jay Carney (pictured above) attributed to a “fog of war” atmosphere as information continues to stream …

Insight on How Government Enabled Fraud

With triple-A rated toxic CDOs, for many, it became purely a matter of the fees & commissions on the transactions and doing as many as possible. There were reportedly $27T in triple-A rated toxic CDO transactions done during the bubble … with trillions in fees & commissions disappearing into various pockets.”