88+ Projects & Standards for Data Ownership, Identity, & A Federated Social Web

88+ Projects & Standards for Data Ownership, Identity, & A Federated Social Web emergent by design, April 11, 2011 by Venessa Miemis As we become more comfortable with sharing ourselves on the ‘social web,’ we’re revealing a lot of valuable information about our interests, preferences and social connections, and it’s strewn across the web in many …

Search: violent comprehensive revolutions are of

Here are the concise references focused on revolution.  For corruption, collective intelligence, open space and other methods of non-violent consensus building and emergence, see the lists at the end of this post. Preconditions of Revolution in the USA Today Search: four preconditions for revolution Search: revolution theory preconditions Here is the bottom line:

New Institutions as Bulwark Against the Corporate-Political State

New Institutions as the Bulwark Against the Corporate-Political State from Kevin Rollins on Vimeo. Michael Ostrolenk and Kevin Rollins discuss the role of new media, both social media like facebook and twitter, as well as niche magazines. Ostrolenk says that such forums help new ideas because they “remove barriers to entry and support [new idea] …

Hexidecimally Lingual: Websites Must Speak 16 Languages to Go Global

Hexidecimally Lingual: Websites Must Speak 16 Languages to Go Global New data from research firm Common Sense Advisory suggests that if your brand is to achieve truly global reach in our online world, your website must “speak” more than 16 languages. Common Sense Advisory publishes reports that are designed to help its clients reach a …

Hee Haw: Aggie to Run Senate Intel Sideshow

Weep. Chambliss puts Agriculture Committee staffer in top intelligence role By Josh Rogin Friday, April 1, 2011 – Foreign Policy Upon taking over as the ranking Republican on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) brought on a new staff director with no direct experience working on intelligence matters. Martha Scott Poindexter has …