John Maguire: Local Empowerment Through Legal Education

Thomas Linzey is the Executive Director of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF). CELDF, as some of you might know from John Steiner’s recent posting, is committed to limiting/abolishing the entrenchment of corporate-personhood and reestablishing the rights/resilience of small communities through legal education and local ordinance initiatives. All too often in the current political …

John Stein: Staggering Unconstitutionality of National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Against US Citizens

Surrendering 2011: Rendition and Methane Jim Garrison Huffington Post, 28 December 2011 In the fine print of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, passed just before the holidays, it turns out that in addition to being now legally able to seize without charge and hold indefinitely without trial any U.S. citizen, the government and the …

Norie Huddle: Trump in Check? Constitutional Grounds for Electoral College Rejection of Donald Trump – Robert Steele Offers 3 Counter-Moves

Electoral College must reject Trump unless he sells his business, top lawyers for Bush and Obama say Ethics lawyers for the last two presidents are in agreement. Richard Painter, Chief Ethics Counsel for George W. Bush, and Norman Eisen, Chief Ethics Counsel for Barack Obama, believe that if Trump continues to retain ownership over his sprawling … Coalition of 40+ Scholarly Publishers

On Tuesday, we announced a major new initiative to bring this vision to reality, supported by a coalition of over 40 of the world’s essential scholarly organizations, such as JSTOR, PLOS, arXiv, HathiTrust, Wiley and HighWire Press, who are linking arms to establish a new paradigm of open collaborative annotation across the world’s knowledge. Read full first …

SchwartzReport: Citizens Name US Government as #1 Problem — 69% Not Satisfied PBI: More Attacks on Police Certain

This is dangerous territory. When two thirds of the people in a democracy are dissatisfied with the government but feel unable to change it, social unrest arises. Americans Name Government as No. 1 U.S. Problem Though issues such as terrorism, healthcare, race relations and immigration have emerged among the top problems in recent polls, government, …

Review (Guest): OPEN POWER – Electoral Reform Act of 2015 – Open Source Activist Tool-Kit with Long Comment by Robert Steele

Robert David Steele Last Exit to Democracy, February 26, 2015 By Retired Reader The author of this book, Robert Steele, has been a dedicated and patriotic advocate of reforming the U.S. Intelligence Community for over thirty years without noticeable success. Now he has taken on a bigger and much more important cause, reform of the …

Nafeez Ahmed: USG Culpability in Pakistani School Massacre + Criminal Foreign Policy & Revolution USA RECAP

Who is responsible for the Pakistan school massacre? EXTRACT In 2009, I obtained a confidential report commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which provided a shocking explanation for this seemingly contradictory policy. The report, authored by respected defence consultant Prof Ola Tunander, who had previously contributed to a high-level Danish government inquiry into …