Journal: Haiti Update 22 January 2010 AM

In Need of Port Repairs, Haiti Relocating 400,000 PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti  —  Haitian officials are planning a massive relocation of 400,000 people from makeshift camps to the outskirts of the capital as the U.S. government tackles repairs to the damaged main port — dual efforts to help residents survive the aftermath of the catastrophic earthquake. The …

Reference: Guidelines for Relations between US Armed Forces and Non-Governmental Organizations in Hostile or Potentially Hostile Environments

Phi Beta Iota: See also the many superb references in the US Agency for International Development (AID) Development Experience Library.  In our own experience encountering AID across Asia and Latin America, their capacity for ground truth and grass roots effectiveness is phenomenal, held back only by Congressional mandates that are politically motivated and operationally insane–such …

Journal: MILNET Focus on Afghanistan

Interview With Dutch Major General Mart de Kruif, Former Commander, Regional Command South Phi Beta Iota: Read every word.  Highlights include: ;1)  Every province is difference (see General Zinni’s characterization of the six different Viet-Nam wars in Battle Ready) 2)  Climate and Ops Tempo, not the Taliban, are the major challenge 3)  Taliban losing, resorting …