What are the fundamental requirements and building blocks of a distributed internet?

What are the fundamental requirements and building blocks of a distributed internet? In preparation for the Contact summit in NYC 20 October 2011, we want to understand the current landscape of projects/initiatives building a distributed internet and the fundamental requirements so we can better coordinate efforts. ANSWER ONE: Michel Bauwens Here is a proposed definition …

MIRROR: How to Communicate & Restore Collective Power if the US Government Shuts Down the Internet

HOW TO COMMUNICATE IF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SHUTS DOWN THE INTERNET 02-07-2011 8:48 pm – Wallace Liberty News Online Scenario: Your government is displeased with the communication going on in your location and pulls the plug on your internet access, most likely by telling the major ISPs to turn off service. This is what happened …

US Intelligence Unwitting of Most Open Sources

From my friends at Intelligence Online…. Used extensively by protesters in Egypt and Tunisia, Facebook and other social networking websites contain a wealth of useful intelligence.  However, knowing how to exploit that information is another matter. During a hearing of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on February 4, Senator Dianne Feinstein complained to Stephanie …

Worth a Look: MasrLeaks Hunt for Mubarak Global Hidden Wealth and Directory of Corruption in Egypt

With the success of the Jan 25 revolution, which brought down the Regime of Ex-President Hosny Mubarak, the state of Egypt is currently undergoing a purge for all the corrupt figures that surrounded that Regime. Corruption and Nepotism ran rampant there for 30 years, and the Mubarak Family amassed massive amounts of wealth during their …