Howard Rheingold: Open Source Intelligence Meets Real-Time News and Data Curation – SwiftRiver

SwiftRiver Throws a Lifeline to People Drowning in Information There’s a problem that constantly plagues us in this day of information overload, and that is the ability to sift the stream of incoming information into the bits that are valuable from those that aren’t. It’s a tough issue that we’ve been working on at Ushahidi …

Eagle: Jack Abramoff critiques OWS, Republicans’ media exposure in Yahoo News interview

Jack Abramoff critiques OWS, Republicans’ media exposure in Yahoo News interview By Rachel Rose Hartman The Ticket, 4 January 2012 EXTRACT: Abramoff says that since his release, he’s been in touch with some of Occupy’s “sensible” leaders, as he calls them, via Twitter and other channels of communication. But Abramoff, once a major conservative Republican …

DefDog: STRATFOR Bites on Security

No. It’s THE code breaker. No more secrets… Sneakers Victims in hacking of security analyst Stratfor targeted after speaking to news media, online Associated Press, 27 December 2011 EXTRACT: The loose-knit hacking movement “Anonymous” claimed Sunday through Twitter that it had stolen thousands of credit card numbers and other personal information belonging to the company’s …

John Robb: Digital Empowerment of Resilient Communities

The Digital Roll-Out of Resilient Communities Many of us believe that networked resilient communities are the key to the future.  These communities are not only a way to survive the current global collapse, they are something more:  The next step in social/economic organization.  For those of us that are successful (by hook or crook) in …

Irregular Times on Americans Elect Fraud

Americans Elect Candidate Ejection Committee Chaired by FBI, CIA, Military Research Chiefs Americans Elect Mischaracterizes Bernie Sanders on Priorities and on Same-Sex Marriage Christine Todd Whitman Goes to Press a 7th Time to Promote Jon Huntsman, Violating Americans Elect Policy All Prior Headlines with Links Below the Line