Gordon Duff: Honoring Chuck Hagel, Fed Up with Zionist Meddling in US Affairs

Americans fed up with Israeli meddling in US domestic affairs By Gordon Duff and Press TV — ”Real or not, Netanyahu feels Israel has been abandoned by the US. Some Americans, I am certainly one of these, Hagel is one also as is Chairman of the JCOS, Martin Dempsey, see Israel as interfering in domestic …

Review: The Code for Global Ethics: Ten Humanist Principles

Rodrique Tremblay 5.0 out of 5 stars Humanist Manifesto Slams Religions, Foundation for Reflection, December 22, 2012 I bought this book on the recommendation of Pierre Cloutier in Quebec, and very deliberately as the first book to read on 22 December 2012 as Epoch B begins (see graphic above with book cover). Across the entire …

Review: Economists and the Powerful: Convenient Theories, Distorted Facts, Ample Rewards

Norbert Haring and Niall Douglas 5.0 out of 5 stars Too costly, consider reading the reviews and Inside the Book, December 21, 2012 Over-priced at $99, this book makes one simple point: economists are the sluts of the social sciences, in the pay of the wealthy, and they have prostituted their profession in the most …

Thomas Briggs: Comments on the US Secret Super Cloud — Dead Since 1995 — With Two Thoughts from Robert Steele

Thomas Leo Briggs is a retired CIA operations officer with 3 years military experience in US Army military police, 3 years as a Special Agent in the Drug Enforcement Administration and 26 years in the CIA.  He tried to make use of computer capabilities to aid and assist humint operations in a variety of ways …

Anthony Judge: Beware of Legality, Accountability, Marketability, Security! Be where the Four Hoarsemen of the Apocalypse are not?

Beware of Legality, Accountability, Marketability, Security! Be where the Four Hoarsemen of the Apocalypse are not? Introduction Being wary of “legality” Being wary of “accountability” Being wary of “marketability” Being wary of “security” Systemic implications of “horsemen” and “hoarsemen” and correspondences between them Being wary of the Four Hoarsemen acting together Being where and how …

Reflections: The Human Factor & The Human Environment: Concepts & Doctrine? Implications for Human & Open Source Intelligence 2.0

Citation:  Robert David STEELE Vivas, “The Human Factor & The Human Environment: Concepts & Doctrine? Implications for Human & Open Source Intelligence,” Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog (12 December 2012). For Part II See:  2012 Robert Steele: The Human Factor & The Human Environment: Contextual Trust for Sources & Methods UPDATE 16 Dec 2012:  …