Robert Steele: GOP RNC Commit Suicide, Disavow Bill Fawell for Telling the Truth About 9/11 and Sandy Hook UPDATE: Letters to RNC & NRA

If ever there was a moment in American history when the GOP/RNC could have stood  tall, this is that moment: they are disavowing a very fine candidate for Congress because he is telling the truth about 9/11 and Sandy Hook. GOP leaders pull support for 17th District candidate As a former spy who has run …

Betty Boop: France Legalizes Pedophila — Any Child, Any Age UPDATE 1 Comment, Pedos are People Poster, Marcuse on “Repressive Tolerance”

France Passes Law Saying Children Can Consent To Sex With Adults President Macron’s government has voted against having an age of consent in France, becoming the latest nation to give in to pressure from an international network of liberal activists determined to normalize pedophilia and decriminalize sex with children across the world. Federal law in France …